Tax Preparation Changes For 2024
Once you have received all your tax documents for 2024, please feel free to upload them (all at one time) through our secure file upload on our website ( or drop them off at the office during office hours. Your tax partner will reach out with any questions or concerns as they are reviewing your tax documents. Office hours starting February 1, 2025. Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - noon The CPAs, as always, will be available via email or telephone to answer questions or concerns you have when gathering your tax documents. 2024 Tax Organizer
As 2024 comes to an end it's once again time to think about taxes, kind of a rotten way to end the year. As things have changed in the world we would like you to mail, drop off, or upload your tax data ( You can then call and set up an appointment to go over your tax documents together on the phone (303-841-4220). We look forward to hearing from all of you in the coming months and hope that 2024 has been a good year. Sincerely, Lenae A. Jackson, CPA / Traci L. May, CPA |